How to avoid extortionate fares when caught in a traffic jam in the black cab in London.

Fed up with extortionate black cab taxi fares in London? Me too! As a London resident, I get a taxi card which allows me to get a discount on two swipes per journey. This means that I pay £2.50 instead of £12.50 and I can do this twice in every journey, meaning that if the … Continue reading How to avoid extortionate fares when caught in a traffic jam in the black cab in London.

How hot will it be in the Greenwich comedy Festival tent?

Very! This weekend, we went to the Greenwich comedy festival. The comedy Festival is held in a tent this gets very hot and on Saturday it was very hot indeed. But on the plus side, this was because it was a beautiful sunny day 🙂 good thing really, because the tent is on the grass in … Continue reading How hot will it be in the Greenwich comedy Festival tent?

Do I dare brave the Kaleidoscope festival in my power wheelchair?

Normally I only go to places that I have previously visited and I know are accessible for my power wheelchair. However, seeing as the Kaleidoscope festival was at Alexandria Palace which is a top of quite a steep hill, there was no other option! I needn’t have worried 🙂 Fortunately, the organisers had done a … Continue reading Do I dare brave the Kaleidoscope festival in my power wheelchair?

Do you know this fantastic tip for travelling in black cabs?

No more desperately holding on to the small handle above the door whilst your wheelchair slides around every time the driver takes a corner at speed, applies the brakes heavily or hurtles round a bend! No longer do you need to feel unvalued because whilst everybody else has to wear a seatbelt by law, wheelchairs … Continue reading Do you know this fantastic tip for travelling in black cabs?